Coaching & Consulting
Empowering individuals to better understand who they are and how they show up, so that they can create the lives they want every day.
discovering blind spots, hidden beliefs, fears & self-sabotaging behaviors
identifying true goals
reframing how we see ourselves
becoming authentic & vulnerable

In the process of learning the importance of exercising active self-awareness across all areas of my life, I decided to dedicate my life to helping others benefit from it as well.
While each person's process to self-actualization looks different, there are some patterns in how we exist as human beings. As a methods-driven person, I developed a framework that I've used myself and for my clients to guide the change process of building the life you want. We will co-create your individual plan based on this, and focus on empowering you to continue doing the work on your own.
Life is 24/7, while (therapy, coaching, etc.) sessions are 1 hour. Learning to trust yourself, while also knowing when to turn to community, is a fine balancing act. Start at step one.
Positive Psychology and strengths based
Culturally competent or sensitive; multicultural
Mindfulness and compassion based practices
What is active self-awareness?
Self-awareness has many definitions and conceptualizations, but I’ll share a personal version that forms the basis of my work. This one is action-oriented and what I describe as self-awareness in daily life, or actively observing how your personal operating system (OS) influences how you show up every day. Active self-awareness is an intentional, daily effort.
Each of us has a personal OS that was constructed over time, starting when we first entered this world and continuing to build in response to all our life events. Understanding not only what your OS looks like in detail, but how the different parts influence how you go about your life, is key to building a life you want.
Is self-awareness the end-all-be-all?
No. But it’s step one (didn’t see that coming, did ya?). Many skills and areas important to our development require a level of active self-awareness that is often assumed to be present. Some of these areas are relationships and social interactions, leadership, teaching, etc. I have yet to come across a single line of work, or area of life, that doesn’t require active self-awareness. As a scientist, however, I’m open to being proven wrong!
Additionally, and maybe most importantly, we do not control forces outside of ourselves. We do have, however, a whole lot of influence over ourselves. So, let’s start there.
What's the difference between coaching and therapy?
Therapy often focuses on the past and has a clinical focus (e.g., emotional distress such as depression, anxiety). Coaching is focused on the future and is goal or solution oriented.
This may be an oversimplification, but it is a high-level differentiation I find useful. As a positive psychologist, I like to focus on what is right with us (e.g., our strengths) as opposed to what's wrong.